A Holiday of Horror

Horror Holiday was born from absentmindedly live tweeting horror movies that I watched. To save all of my twitter followers from two hours of non-stop banter, I created a blog. I like to poke fun, make inane pop culture references, construct side plots and devise new meanings and themes out of thin air. Any pop culture reference I make is not intended slander, it is mainly because it’s the first thought that popped into my head when watching the film.

I wanted to create this blog commentary for those who enjoy horror movies and for those who are too afraid to see them. I fall within both categories. There are films that I will not see because I am gravely horrified by them. But curiosity rips at me. I’ll go and read Wikipedia plot summaries, scroll through message boards just to get a glimpse of what I’m missing out on, while making sure not get too close. That is why I think this blog is interesting. People who don’t like horror movies are always wondering about them. Let me watch them for you. Let me tell you about them as I try to deconstruct the horror genre in ways that make them light, fluffy, silly. And maybe you can fall in love with some of the beauty in this twisted genre.

So please click through, read and enjoy a new perspective on the horror genre.

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