Many baseball fans already understand the concept of W.A.R. But for those unfamiliar with the term, that’s alright; I’m here for you. And honestly, nobody really knows what it means, we all just act like we do.

WAR is an acronym for Wins Above Replacement. According to FanGraphs (because if we are doing this, we’re doing this right!), “Wins Above Replacement is an attempt by the sabermetric baseball community to summarize a player’s total contributions to their team in one statistic.” It goes on to state that you should not entirely evaluate a player using a single metric but I’m going to pretend it doesn’t. WAR is the be all, end all. Deal with it.

Why am I talking about baseball and sabermetrics? Well, if you’ve read/seen Moneyball, you’d know that the Oakland Athletics used innovative statistics to evaluate their players in ways previously unseen in the sport. That’s what we’re doing here. But instead of baseball, we’re using horror movies.

That’s right. We’re leveling the playing field and creating an all-knowing statistic to evaluate some of our favorite heroes, vile villains and down-right stupid characters.

WELCOME TO WAR, BABY! This is about to be a whole new ball game, Horror!


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